Sunday, November 11, 2007

To my husband

I remember you all right
When the days are empty
When I hear the sound of music
When I tuck in my blanket at night
I remember you all right
When the loneliness frightens me
I have nothing else to think of
When the living gets tough
When any laughter reminds me of good times spent together
When the joys in life
Seem too little
And your existence means a lot
I miss you with all that I have
Bare hands, forlorn eyes, insatiable longing
I would forsake anything
To just buy a moment with you
To just tell you
How much I love you
How much I am incomplete without you
How much you mean to me

1 comment:

Readers Dais said...

His loving heart will listen to ur love....gifting u back those moments.... :)